Friday, January 16, 2009


This Thursday's Toastmaster meeting was quite exciting. I asked one of our newer members to take my picture while I was doing Table Topics. I was more nervous than I normally am during our meetings because we had a lot of guests. I'm not a big fan of change, so when two of my three speakers for the week canceled last minute, I was a tad freaked out.
It all worked out well. We had one speaker, we were honored to have our district Governor install our newly minted officers for 2009, and we had a great business meeting where I was given the opportunity to present information and an agenda outline for our first Table Topics Contest.

We have the goal of attaining Presidents Distinguished Status for 2009. It's quite a feat to meet all the requirements, and we're over half way there! One of the requirements is for at least 4 of the 7 officers to attend officer training twice a year. This year we have officer's training in Plainview TX. We were thrilled to learn that we have commitments from all 7 of our officers to attend this almost all day training event, which will not only help us get the word out about our successful club, but will also gain us International Recognition (and a beautiful ribbon to go on our Banner).
If you can't tell, our club is extremely GREGARIOUS and ECSTATIC (the words of the day for the past two weeks in a row). I get so much from this extremely brilliant group of people and learn so much from the Toastmaster's program.
I have a speech next Thursday and I'm sure this next meeting will be as exciting as the last!

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