Saturday, May 1, 2010

Gorgeous Pretty Beauty Nail Salon

Rated PG 13. (Some cussing and violence) But very funny. Has nothing really to do with nails, but it's cute. 

Hester called me at about 4 o'clock and asked what I was up to. I told her I was doing nothing and enjoying every minute. She said she was going to get a manicure and thought I might enjoy coming along. Tzipi couldn't be left behind, so she came with us. The only other time I have been to get my nails done was with Mitzi, so this was my first time at an Asian run and managed nail salon. It was an experience to say the least.

The second video is more like what I experienced. Wait for a couple of minutes, and then she gets to the nail part. Thanks Hester for the spontaneity!


  1. Too funny. I love both of these. I've seen Anjelah before and of course SNL "He look like a man". Good memories.

  2. I love Anjelah and the nail salon. I showed Hester that video because I know she goes to the Asian salons. I still like Mitzi the best in the whole wide world. I'm glad you all had some girl time.
