The past few weeks I've been obsessed with puppies. Tiny puppies. I'm not really a dog person. I couldn't figure out what it is, until I realized that it's because my baby is 3 now. I'm missing the tiny dependent baby stage. Puppies are incredibly needy. Dogs are needy, even when full grown. I guess that's why people get dogs. They get unconditional love and get the opportunity to meet their canine friend's many needs for a long time. The natural need to procreate is strong, but not always practical. I know this too will pass. It's just hard to see my babies become so independent. I just watch puppy videos on You Tube. :-)
I know that we all lead busy lives and take for granted the constant energy we use on a daily basis. My small family is going to take part in this year's Earth Hour 2009 and come up with ways to play for one hour without using electricity. 8:30-9:30 March 28th 2009!
With the boys away at Scout campout, and Tzipi spent the night with her cousins, I had plenty of time and energy to get the house cleaned like I like it. So since I know it will only last until the boys get home and track dirt inside, bring in three days worth of dirty clothes and eat lunch and mess up the kitchen, I decided to take pictures so I can look back and enjoy my clean house while it lasted.
I took Tzipporah to the grocery store yesterday. She kept pestering me for things when we first got to the store. Then I got the brilliant idea to lend her my digital camera. Here is her beautiful work. Can you guess what she's looking at?
This picture is from this morning. Not bad for a 3 year old! :-) She even told me how to lay. "Eema, put your legs over there, no... over there...".
I was about to get Tzipi's spring clothes out when I realized that she's outgrown all of it. She's not 24 months anymore. She's 3 now. I should have realized this during her birthday party when we were blowing out candles and sing "Happy Birthday" to her, but it hasn't really hit me until this week. On top of that I'm really missing the summer. I started out writing about how much I miss the green grass and leaves on the trees and how happy I am that some of the trees are starting to bloom. That's true, but I think that as the seasons change I realize even more how quickly time passes. Zee's baby face is almost gone. Tzipi's hair is getting longer and she's catching up quickly to her big brother. Zee is reading things I didn't read until 2nd grade. Tzipi is writing letters already (didn't know she could do it until I saw her school work during my first parent teacher conference). I can only imagine how it must be for our parents who don't get to see the kids very often. (I'm planning grandparent visits in April and May.) Well, enough rambling I've got gladiolus to plant. YEAH for SPRING!!!!