Sunday, February 7, 2010

There's a doctor in the house!

A shot!

A stethoscope.

Blood pressure cuff

Working on patient file.

prescription (with doctor scrawl)

Patient in surgery

Doctor Zee is checking my reflexes.

Nurse Zippy is giving me a shot.

Big smiles, great bed side manner.

Patient File for Mrs. J. Deckard.

Dr and Nurse Practitioner

Nurse Zippy ready for her first patient.

We went to Toys R Us and Zee got to spend his birthday money. He was very generous and bought his sister a costume for his private doctor practice. He and his nurse are very good. I went in with a stomachache and I feel 100% better.

I love bubbles!

We went to Abuelos for dinner. This is such a treat for us. We never go out to eat. Thanks to Mom and Dad, we got to take our family to a nice restaurant.

The kids were well behaved (for the most part).

This picture was taken a few nights ago. I love sneaking pictures when they are sleeping.

Zee sleeping hard.


  1. Now THAT is a nurse and doctor that I would like to see!!! The pictures are soo cute!

  2. I love these pictures of the kids. I am so glad we have such a great tool (internet) for sharing pictures. Can you imagine how difficult it must have been for women a hundred years ago when they left home. They sure didn't have the opportunity to stay in daily touch like we do. Yup. The internet is the best!
