Sunday, October 2, 2016

I just want a Window Cloth please...

It's an amazing cloth.

You see what it can do and you want to have it, right?

 But it would be like having Robin come and rescue you when you really need Batman.

It's the dynamic duo, but without the Envirocloth, you might be disappointed.

The Envirocloth is like the first volley in a war. The soldiers come and clear the area and prepare for the medics.

If you have a dirty and greasy surface, you need the Envirocloth to come and clean up the mess and THEN the Window cloth can polish and remove streaks.

Is there ever a time you can use a Window Cloth on its own? YES! After a hot shower- it is IDEAL on a foggy mirror.

The Envirocloth can dust. DRY. The static is still there.

The Envirocloth WET- It can remove all dirt from a surface. Bird poop? YES! There is very little that the Envirocloth can't tackle.

But when it comes to removing water streaks, fingerprints, and basic water spots- the WINDOW CLOTH IS KING! It's also called the Polishing Cloth! It is awesome on stainless steel.

So order yours today! ------>Click Here!

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