Thursday, May 6, 2010


I understand why my babies wanted to rescue this baby, but it's kind of like a dog. If we got one, I know I would be the one to walk it, groom it, feed it etc... 
Yesterday was such a good day. She ate, she danced around. I even heard her chirp. Then I wake up and she doesn't look good at all. 
My heart aches. If God goes through this with every creature on this planet, how does He keep from crying all the time? He knows what is going to happen. I don't. I have to trust that whatever happen is for the best, but it doesn't make it easier. It was fun last night when she was trying. It's like she's given up today. I didn't want this. I knew it would hurt like this.
It's been a rough week on many levels. I'll be glad when it's back to the normal boring routine.


  1. Nee,
    I so know and understand what you're going through. The hard part is that although you know what's about to happen, your children don't and will learn early the facts of life. Faith is proved in adversity.
    You have my prayers as you and your babies grow through this hard example.

  2. Yes, life and death are hard to accept to matter what the age. Kevin and I often cry over the deaths of animals whether ours or strays. We love all God's creatures, great and small. You tried to give it life. That's all that can be expected.

  3. I'm sorry the tiny bird is having a hard time. I know you are giving it much needed love and care - and that it knows.
